Recent Publications:
Borovsky, A., Ellis, E.M., Evans, J.L., Elman, J.L.(in press). Lexical leverage: Category knowledge boosts real-time novel word recognition in two-year-olds. Developmental Science.
Ellis, E.M., Borovsky, A., Elman, J.L., Evans, J.L. (in press). Novel Word Learning: An Eye-Tracking Study Are 18-Month-Old Late Talkers Really Different from their Typical Peers? Journal of Communication Disorders.
Peters, R. E., Grüter, T., Borovsky, A., (2015). Anticipatory and locally-coherent lexical activation varies as a function of language proficiency. Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society.
Troyer, M., Borovsky, A., (2015). Childhood SES affects anticipatory language comprehension in college-age adults. Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
Lieberman, A.M., Borovsky, A., Hatrak, M., Mayberry, R.I. (2015). Real-time processing of ASL signs: Delayed first language acquisition affects organization of the mental lexicon. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. 41(4), 1130-1139 PDF
Borovsky, A., Sweeney, K., Elman, J. L. ,& Fernald, A. (2014). Real-time interpretation of novel events across childhood. Journal of Memory and Language, 73, 1-14. PDF
Borovsky, A., & Creel, S. (2014). Children and adults integrate talker and verb information in online processing. Developmental Psychology, 50(5), 1600. PDF
Lieberman, A.M., Borovsky, A., Hatrak, M., Mayberry, R.I. (2014). Real-time processing of ASL signs: Effects of linguistic experience and proficiency. Proceedings of the Boston University Conference on Language Development.
Borovsky, A., Burns, E., Elman, J. L., & Evans, J. L. (2013). Lexical activation during language comprehension in adolescents with history of specific language impairment. Journal of Communication Disorders, 46, 413-427. PDF
Borovsky, A. Kutas, M. & Elman, J. L. (2013). Getting it right: Word learning across the hemispheres. Neuropsychologia, 51(5), 825-37.
Bion, R.H., Borovsky, A., Fernald, A. (2013). Fast mapping, slow learning: Disambiguation of novel word-object mappings in relation to vocabulary learning at 18, 24, and 30 months. Cognition, 126(1), 39-53.
Borovsky, A., Elman, J., Fernald, A. (2012). Knowing a lot for one’s age: Vocabulary skill and not age is associated with the timecourse of incremental sentence interpretation in children and adults. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 112(4), 417-36.!po=2.00000
Borovsky, A. Elman, J & Kutas, M. (2012). Once is enough: N400 indexes semantic integration of novel word meanings from a single exposure in context. Language Learning and Development, 8(3), 278-302.
Borovsky, A., Elman, J & Kutas, M. (2010). Learning to use words: Event related brain potentials index single shot word learning from context. Cognition 116(2), 289-96.
Borovsky, A., Elman, J & Kutas, M. (2010). Semantic integration of novel word meanings after a single exposure in context. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1307-1312). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. PDF
Borovsky, A., Saygin, A. P., Bates, E., Dronkers, N. F. (2007). Lesion correlates of conversational speech deficits. Neuropsychologia, 45(11), 2525-2533. PDF
Borovsky, A., Elman, J. & Kutas, M. (2007). Getting the gist is not enough: An ERP investigation of contextual word learning. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society (pp. 119-124). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Borovsky, A. Elman, J. (2006). Language input and categories: A relation between cognition and early word learning. Journal of Child Language 33(3), 759-790.
Ellis, E.M., Borovsky, A., Elman, J.L., Evans, J.L. (in press). Novel Word Learning: An Eye-Tracking Study Are 18-Month-Old Late Talkers Really Different from their Typical Peers? Journal of Communication Disorders.
Peters, R. E., Grüter, T., Borovsky, A., (2015). Anticipatory and locally-coherent lexical activation varies as a function of language proficiency. Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society.
Troyer, M., Borovsky, A., (2015). Childhood SES affects anticipatory language comprehension in college-age adults. Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF
Lieberman, A.M., Borovsky, A., Hatrak, M., Mayberry, R.I. (2015). Real-time processing of ASL signs: Delayed first language acquisition affects organization of the mental lexicon. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. 41(4), 1130-1139 PDF
Borovsky, A., Sweeney, K., Elman, J. L. ,& Fernald, A. (2014). Real-time interpretation of novel events across childhood. Journal of Memory and Language, 73, 1-14. PDF
Borovsky, A., & Creel, S. (2014). Children and adults integrate talker and verb information in online processing. Developmental Psychology, 50(5), 1600. PDF
Lieberman, A.M., Borovsky, A., Hatrak, M., Mayberry, R.I. (2014). Real-time processing of ASL signs: Effects of linguistic experience and proficiency. Proceedings of the Boston University Conference on Language Development.
Borovsky, A., Burns, E., Elman, J. L., & Evans, J. L. (2013). Lexical activation during language comprehension in adolescents with history of specific language impairment. Journal of Communication Disorders, 46, 413-427. PDF
Borovsky, A. Kutas, M. & Elman, J. L. (2013). Getting it right: Word learning across the hemispheres. Neuropsychologia, 51(5), 825-37.
Bion, R.H., Borovsky, A., Fernald, A. (2013). Fast mapping, slow learning: Disambiguation of novel word-object mappings in relation to vocabulary learning at 18, 24, and 30 months. Cognition, 126(1), 39-53.
Borovsky, A., Elman, J., Fernald, A. (2012). Knowing a lot for one’s age: Vocabulary skill and not age is associated with the timecourse of incremental sentence interpretation in children and adults. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 112(4), 417-36.!po=2.00000
Borovsky, A. Elman, J & Kutas, M. (2012). Once is enough: N400 indexes semantic integration of novel word meanings from a single exposure in context. Language Learning and Development, 8(3), 278-302.
Borovsky, A., Elman, J & Kutas, M. (2010). Learning to use words: Event related brain potentials index single shot word learning from context. Cognition 116(2), 289-96.
Borovsky, A., Elman, J & Kutas, M. (2010). Semantic integration of novel word meanings after a single exposure in context. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1307-1312). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. PDF
Borovsky, A., Saygin, A. P., Bates, E., Dronkers, N. F. (2007). Lesion correlates of conversational speech deficits. Neuropsychologia, 45(11), 2525-2533. PDF
Borovsky, A., Elman, J. & Kutas, M. (2007). Getting the gist is not enough: An ERP investigation of contextual word learning. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society (pp. 119-124). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Borovsky, A. Elman, J. (2006). Language input and categories: A relation between cognition and early word learning. Journal of Child Language 33(3), 759-790.